Order turn-around times:
We pride ourselves on being able to say "Yes" to most customer requests. It's part of our "WOW Service!" approach. To help us say "Yes" to you, please read these guidelines:
- Most routine orders, whether you're purchasing an item from us or we're engraving/imprinting on something you supplied, will be completed in about 4 or 5 business days after you approve the artwork proof.
- Faster turnaround times may be available depending on whether we have the item in stock, our workload, holidays and other factors. An expedite fee may apply. Please consult your sales rep for more details.
- Some products simply take extra time. For example, cast bronze plaques can take 4 weeks.
- The best way to ensure a great result within your needed timeframe is to get an early start on your project.
Logos or graphics must be clean artwork of sufficient resolution - see specific requirements below. If you are unable to provide acceptable artwork, we are happy to work directly with your in-house or outside graphics designer to obtain the files needed.
Be sure to work closely with your Arch customer service representative as early in the process as possible, to help us hit your desired completion date and to achieve the best possible outcome.
Artwork that does not meet our artwork guidelines will incur an art charge. Our hourly rate is $60.00, with a minimum art charge of $30.00. We will contact you before any art charges are applicable.
When you send your logo to us for the first time, there will be a one-time $30.00 set-up fee to cover minor clean-up/modification as needed, plus installing the logo into our system for your current and future orders.
For ENGRAVING or SANDBLASTING: Vector Black & White Line Art (no grayscale, color, or halftones) in PC-platform file formats is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED as it will give you the best result: CDR, EPS, AI or PDF.
NOTE: We have a special process for laser engraving grayscale images so consult your Arch representative if this is of interest.
High-resolution (300 DPI or better at final size) .JPG or .PNG files are also acceptable. -
FONTS: Please identify your fonts for us. While we own hundreds of fonts, you may use one we don't have. If so, please send us the font file. Or, you may convert your text to curves in your art file.
For INKJET or SUBLIMATION IMPRINTING: Vector or high-resolution bitmap PC-platform file formats such as JPG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, or GIF. Minimum 300 DPI at final size.
Images embedded inside of Word or PowerPoint documents is not acceptable art.
Mac files are not acceptable
Web graphics are not acceptable, as they are low resolution.
Low resolution images converted to another file format, even if the resolution is changed to 300 DPI, are not acceptable if the original image was less than 300 DPI. Simply saving a file as a new file type does not increase the quality of the pixels in the artwork itself.
The final product can be no better than the artwork!
Please email your graphics files to our salesperson who is assisting you, or to artwork @ archengraving.com
Don't name your file "logo." Instead, name it something like: acme-company-logo.tif."
In your email, include full contact info: name, company and if applicable the Arch salesperson you're working with
Occasionally a customer wants to create their own layout for products we're supplying them. While that might seem like a good idea, awards come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and configurations (beveled edges, etc.) We have templates for each one, making it much easier for us to create the layout so it fits and enhances the finished product. And, our layout service is done at no additional charge to you. So if you have a specific layout in mind, please send it but consider it a rough draft. We'll put your layout into the template and send you a proof for review.
We maintain a large database of thousands of standardized company logos and artwork files. In some cases we may already have your logo on file in the format we need.
We offer logo design service. Don't have a logo? Need your existing logo re-designed, or converted from paper to electronic format? Contact us today to discuss.
If your layout contains text, please let us know if you have a font preference.
We provide two free proofs in our pricing. There is an additional charge of $10 per customer-requested changes to proofs after that.
We cannot reproduce trademarked or copyrighted logos or artwork without the express written approval of the artwork owner.